TDS under GST
TDS under GST
TDS under GST is applicable
since 1st October 2018
Sec 51 of CGST Act deals
with TDS on GST
If the contract value is more
than Rs 2.50 Lakhs, the following class of persons who are registered under
GST Law are required to deduct TDS on GST
1. A Department of Establishment of
the Central Government or State Government.
2. Local Authority
3. Government Agencies
4. Such persons or Category of persons
notified by Government.
The following category of persons
have been notified by the Govt on which the provisions of TDS on GST would be applicable.
An authority or board or any other
body with 51% or more participation by way of equity or control
1. Set up by an Act of Parliament or
a State Legislature; or
2. Established by any Govt., Society
established by the Central Govt. or State Govt. or a Local Authority under the
Society Regulation Act 1860
Public Sector Undertakings
The above persons “As per provisions
of section 24(vi) (Who are required to deduct TDS under Section 51, Shall take
registration in the Form GST REG-07
A person who is liable to deduct TDS
has to compulsorily register under Section 24(vi) and there is no basic
exemption limit. Registration under GST can be obtained without PAN and
by using the existing tax deduction and collection account number (TAN) issued
by Income Tax Act.
A person liable to deduct tax is
required to register as a diductor even if he is registered separately as
Applicability and Rate
on payment made to supplier of taxable Goods
or Services, where the total value of such supply or services under individual
contract in excess of Rs 2.50 lakhs.
Deposit of TDS on GST
The amount of TDS deducted should be
deposited with Government by the deductor by the 10th of next month. In FORM
GSTR 7, through the online portal
Late filing of GSTR-7 results in a late fee of Rs
100 per day under CGST and Rs 100/- under SGST, hence, a total of Rs
200/- per day is levied. Maximum penalty cap is Rs 5000/= under CGST and
Rs 5000/- under SGST.
Apart from Late fee- Interest @
18% PA, applicable from next day of the due date of filing of return to the
day of making actual payment.
Any excess or erroneous amount
deductible and paid to the Government shall be dealt for refund under section
54. However, if the deduction amount is already credited to the Electronic Cash
Ledger of the Supplier, the same shall not be refunded.
TDS Certificate
TDS certificate would also to be
issued by the deductor in GSTR 7A to the deductee, within 5 days
of depositing the TDS with the Government. Non- Compliance of the above will
attract late of Rs 100/- per day subject to maximum of Rs 5000/-
Tax deduction is not required in
following situations:
a) Total value of taxable supply?
Rs. 2.5 Lakh under a contract.
b) Contract value > Rs. 2.5 Lakh
for both taxable supply and exempted supply, but the value of taxable
supply under the said contract? Rs. 2.5 Lakh.
c) Receipt of services which are
exempted. For example, services exempted under notification No.
12/2017 – Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 as amended from time to time.
d) Receipt of goods which are
exempted. For example, goods exempted under notification No. 2/2017 –
Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 as amended from time to time.
e) Goods on which GST is not
leviable. For example, petrol, diesel, petroleum crude, natural gas,
aviation turbine fuel (ATF) and alcohol for human consumption.
f) Where a supplier had issued an
invoice for any sale of goods in respect of which tax was required to be
deducted at source under the VAT Law before 01.07.2017, but where
payment for such sale is made on or after 01.07.2017 [Section 142(13) refers].
g) Where the location of the
supplier and place of supply is in a State(s)/UT(s) which is different
from the State / UT where the deductor is registered.
h) All activities or transactions
specified in Schedule III of the CGST/SGST Acts 2017, irrespective of the value
i) Where the payment relates to a tax
invoice that has been issued before 01.10.2018.
j) Where any amount was paid in advance
prior to 01.10.2018 and the tax invoice has been issued on or after
01.10.18, to the extent of advance payment made before 01.10.201
k) Where the tax is to be paid on reverse
charge by the recipient i.e. the deductee.
l) Where the payment is made to an unregistered
m) Where the payment relates to “Cess”
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