GST on Renting of immovable property
GST on Renting of immovable property
Let us understand the recent changes with respect to Renting of Immovable property. The service is mainly divided into two categories one is Commercial property and other being Residential property.
Renting of Commercial
property: This service has always been taxable under forward charge
meaning thereby Supplier of Service (i.e., Landlord) has to charge GST on the
amount of rent. GST will not be leviable only in case where landlord is not
registered. (His aggregate turnover is below the threshold limit of 20 lacs)
Renting of Residential
Property for Residential use: Till 17th July ,2022 this
service was exempt. However, from 18.07.22 there is no blanket exemption.
Renting of Residential
Property for Residential use to a business entity registered under GST:
Becomes taxable with
effect from 18th July,2022. Service Provider is not liable to charge gst under
forward charge, but Service receiver will pay gst under Reverse Charge
Mechanism (RCM). Even if a business entity
uses it for residential
purpose for its employees/ Directors and debits the expenditure in its books of
accounts then also it is liable to charge GST under RCM.
Renting of Residential
Property for Residential use to a GST registered Proprietor for his personal
use: Its exempt. So, no liability/compliances for Service for
Landlord and Tenant both. Assuming that rent is not claimed as expenditure in
his books of accounts. So, it can be said that Renting of Residential property
for residential use of un-registered person or personal use of registered
proprietor will only be exempt from forward charge or reverse charge.
Taxability of Hotel
Up to 18.07.22: Value
of Accommodation per unit per day below Rs.1000/- was exempt.
From 18.07.22: Exemption
has been removed. Now any Hotel accommodation up to Rs.7500/- will be taxable
@ 12% and above
Rs.7500/- will be taxable @ 18% (eligible for ITC)
Hostel Accommodation:
A Business entity
providing Hostel Services to students: If Hostel is meant for short
term stays with various facilities like Food, Internet, Laundry, Reception etc.
then the service would be leviable to gst @12%. However, if it’s for long term
stays with rental agreement then it would be exempt.
A business entity
providing Hostel services to any Educational Institution / University: If
service receiver is unregistered then its exempt. If Educational Institution /
University is registered, then from 18.07.22 it has to pay tax under RCM @18%.
Educational Institution
providing hostel services to students: Exempt
Commercial Coaching
Institutes providing Hostel services to students: If
service is bundled with Coaching, then its taxable @18%. If Hostel facility is
separate and for short term (say less than 1 year) then taxable @12%.
If Hostel facility is
for long term with proper rental agreement and not bundled with coaching
service, then its exempt.
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