
E – Waybill Gati Kintetsu Express Pvt Ltd. v/s Commissioner, Commercial Tax of MP & others W.P.No. 12399 of 2018 07/05/2018 – It is mandatory to file Part-B including vehicle Number before the goods are loaded in the vehicle. Garuda Timber Traders V/s Commissioner, State GSD Department, Kerala & Others WP(C).No. 26848 of 2018 08/09/2018 Incomplete e-way bill – Part-B not uploaded and carrying printout. – The petitioner shall provide the bank guarantee for the tax & penalty & bond for the value of goods and get the goods provisionally released. Tvl. R K Motors Vs State Tax Officer (Madras High Court) WP (MD)No. 1287 of 2019 Seizure of goods as the goods delivered to a different place than specified In the case of Tvl. R K Motors Vs State Tax Officer (Madras High Court) WP (MD)No. 1287 of 2019, the high court held that when there is no intention to evade tax, the officers should have guided the dr...